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Masterclass Continuous Design – EN

The continuous design and development of the information system.

Price: € 1175,-
Duration: 2 days

1. How to attend this masterclass

  • The Continuous Design Masterclass training can be followed online. In-company training, or customization is also possible.
  • The training days are from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
  • The training evenings are from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM. With the evening training sessions you will go through the material in less time and spend more time on self-study.
  • To enroll: send an email to bartb@dbmetrics.nl

2. The content

The Continuous Design Masterclass teaches you to create an Agile design for an information system in a simple and structured way. This design is holistic in that it encompasses not only the application but also the value streams of the business and DevOps. Attention is also paid to the required knowledge and skills on the basis of profiles. The design therefore encompasses the aspect areas of People, Process and Technology (PPT).

The design is continuous because it is designed incrementally and iteratively and follows the development of the information system by fulfilling the required requirements for each relevant item of the product backlog.

Continuous Design provides rapid feedback to stakeholders regarding the behavior, functionality and quality of service provision that supports and improves the outcome of their business value streams.

This allows you to professionally create an information system that is easy to maintain and expandable. The Continuous Design is designed top-down, working in a number of steps from coarse to fine as shown in the figure below.

The first step is the Context Diagram. This describes the scope of the information system.

Based on this, in the second step, flows (value streams) are identified, which are modeled in the form of a Value Stream Canvas. This broadly describes the steps that are taken when using the information system. These two steps are initially done before the sprints start to start the realization. The role that plays a crucial role in this is the business architect.

The third step is to develop a value stream in a Use Case diagram. This causes the actors of the flows to be related to the steps (use cases). A translation is also made into the software to be realized.

The fourth step is an enterprise architecture map in which the flows are related to the software building blocks and the teams that play a role in this. The pipeline of the development process is also related to this. This provides a good picture of the various dependencies during implementation.

The fifth and sixth steps provide the detail. These steps can be completed incrementally and interactively. This involves documenting the use cases that form a framework for the user stories and describing the behavior of the use cases using the Gherkin language.

In this Masterclass you will translate customer wishes into a workable information system. During the Masterclass you will go through the process of setting up an information system using a practical example. It is also possible to bring your own information system and work out a number of steps during the Masterclass.

After the Masterclass you will know how to draw up a Continuous Design and you will know which methods and techniques can be used. Following the Continuous Design masterclass, you have the option to take an exam.

The training also includes the Continuous Design Assessment, which can be used to identify specific topics that require more attention in your own environment.

This training is part of the Continuous Everything series of training courses that dbmetrics provides.

3. Your profile

This masterclass is suitable for anyone who works in a DevOps or Agile environment. Do you work in one of the following cases? Then the Continuous Design Masterclass is extra interesting.

New construction:

You are developing a new information system as a business architect, solution architect or DevOps engineer or are directly involved as a designer, builder or tester. You want to know what the minimum things are that you record, who is involved and what role the design plays in a sprint (Agile Scrum) or flow (Kanban). You let the Continuous design grow incrementally and iteratively at the same time as the growth of the information system.

Renovation or reverse engineering:

You have an information system that needs major renovation or even rewriting while you have no design. You have a shaping role as a business architect, solution architect or DevOps engineer or you help to relate the software code to the design deliverables from a technical perspective. You use the Continuous design to determine the existing functionality from the business and the existing software.


You want to outsource a new construction or maintenance assignment but do not have a design for the information system. In that case, you provide the Agile design when outsourcing, and you decide how much of this should be known in advance.

No specific prior knowledge is required to follow this masterclass. It is useful to know Agile concepts and to have an affinity with designing business solutions.

4. Content and learning objectives Masterclass Continuous Design

This professional and practice-oriented Masterclass addresses the following topics:

Module 1: CN and related topics

  • What is a design?
  • What is Agile, Lean and DevOps?
  • What is Continuous Everything?
  • What is Continuous Design?
  • What is the relationship with CE areas?

Module 2: CN Defined

  • What is the CN vision?
  • What is the CN architecture?
  • What is the CN design value stream?

Module 3 CN Concepts

  • CN Methods and Techniques
  • CN Control
  • CN Management
  • CN Data
  • CN Quality
  • CN Strategy

Module 4 CN In-depth

  • CN Topics: Behavior Driven Development

Module 5 CN Practices

  • The exercises
  • Questions & Answers

5. Prior knowledge and entry requirements Masterclass Continuous Design

No specific prior knowledge is required to follow this masterclass. It is useful to know basis terms of agile concepts like Agile Scrum and DevOps.

6. Training duration and costs

The Masterclass lasts 2 days. The costs for the masterclass are: €1175. This price includes digital teaching materials and excludes VAT.

The material for this masterclass is delivered digitally. If you want to read the sheets on your own device during the masterclass, you must bring your own device.

Continuous Auditing

This training includes the book Continuous Design.

ISBN: 978-94-92618-70-2

7. Exam

The costs for the Continuous Design exam are €275 excl. VAT.

8. Certificate

If you have successfully completed the exam after the training, you will receive the certificate Continuous Design.

9. Teachers

dbmetrics only works with the best teachers. Our trainers have extensive experience, are certified and have knowledge of theory and practice.

10. In-company

This training can also be organized in-company, under the guidance of one of our experienced consultants/trainers.

11. Advice and secondment

Are you looking for an experienced requirement engineer, UX designer, developer, product owner, scrum master or are you looking for good advice regarding setting up or optimizing your IT organization? Please contact dbmetrics.